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June 2, 2006
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A linked banner effort from Good Technology to launch Audi TV.

Seen this before - but as copy only banners on channel four. Interaction seems too slow. Would be a lot better if it worked quicker.

Posted by:anthony on June 4, 2006 11:14 PM

Nice linked bannerage, but I don't think that the interaction, animation and messaging are strong enough to really carry it off.

By this, I mean that I really wasn't sure what I was expected to do with the initial MPU and because of punters' inherent hatred/fear of clicking on ads I think that the message (that doesn't appears to resolve if the MPU is not interacted with) will be lost on a good majority of viewers.

Sometimes I think we need to remember that the average punter does not ever visit a site specifically for the adverts, therefore keeping the idea and messaging as simple as possible is surely the most effective way of communicating what is intended? But I am sure the time will tell...

Also, from a QA POV, why was a vector version of the Audi logo not used!?

Posted by:will on June 5, 2006 7:23 PM

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