I love this campaign for Radio 1. Not just a standard banner campaign but a way for users to generate their own Music Cube for their Myspace profile or blog.
What you see above it not a banner but a music cube generated by me, although I didn't pay too much attention to what genres I selected as I was having too much fun playing with the music cube constructor tool, which rocks my world.
this banner is smooth. even the preloader rocks. it's a little clunky and doesn't feel responsive but that could just me me (osx). kudos.
this banner is smooth. even the preloader rocks. it's a little clunky and doesn't feel responsive but that could just me me (osx). kudos.
Posted by:eric powell on May 31, 2006 2:56 AM

saw this when it first came out and it blew me away. I especially like the fact it is created to work with blog myspace communities.
Posted by:anthony on June 4, 2006 11:15 PM

that's a banner!??!? I thought is a "micro" site...
Posted by:shisso on June 5, 2006 2:56 PM