Here's another Creative Clique standout. You can't help but love this little puppy and the banner. Also check out the expandable and the OTP.
M&C have plenty of experience with animationg animals as they have the Optus account. Glad to see the knowledge being spread around.
Awesome execution. BUT, a total CPU killer at 100%. Now Im no angel when it comes to looking after the CPU...but come on people, let's at least try to keep our ads at a respectable 80-90%
Posted by:simon on May 15, 2006 8:15 AM
Shame this isn't for a real client. I heard they rang around the phone book to find someone vaguely water related just to submit this to Creative Clique.
Also, hate to point out the obvious: it's a cute execution but not an idea.
Posted by:MC on May 15, 2006 10:24 AM
hmmm, runs great on a mac.... althought the sound is rather subtle.
Time. It's very very long - there's good evidence that if a user doesn't get spoken to in the right way straight away then the message gets lost. Also the sound thing - I don't know this is a bit of a joke really. Nicely animated though.
Awesome execution. BUT, a total CPU killer at 100%. Now Im no angel when it comes to looking after the CPU...but come on people, let's at least try to keep our ads at a respectable 80-90%
Posted by:simon on May 15, 2006 8:15 AM

Shame this isn't for a real client. I heard they rang around the phone book to find someone vaguely water related just to submit this to Creative Clique.
Also, hate to point out the obvious: it's a cute execution but not an idea.
Posted by:MC on May 15, 2006 10:24 AM

hmmm, runs great on a mac.... althought the sound is rather subtle.
Posted by:phil on May 15, 2006 10:49 AM

Time. It's very very long - there's good evidence that if a user doesn't get spoken to in the right way straight away then the message gets lost. Also the sound thing - I don't know this is a bit of a joke really. Nicely animated though.
Posted by:Tobie Cameron on May 16, 2006 5:46 PM

Cute? can anything be cornyer? or longer? sound button is buggy.
Posted by:Basa on May 17, 2006 9:57 PM

well whatever with all the specifics. i think it's great work. solid animation and it's not gratuitius or dumbed down. 5 stars for me ed.
Posted by:eric powell on May 31, 2006 10:54 AM