Continuing a fine German tradition, your screen has now been invaded!. This banner utilise a new ad format called the 'Hindenberg' because shortly after loading the bastard, your browser crashes and burns ;)
Lame ass jokes aside, it's a bloody good piece of work with some fine german engineering coming in at only 152k.
Note : This SWF has been scaled down from its original 1024x768
Maybe you have been on holidays, or maybe you simply don't believe in publishing critical comments. As I mentioned previously, I think your German comments, even as a joke, are not funny and, in fact, are obscenely offensive to anyone with a knowledge or memory of WW1 or WW2.
Strange sense of humo, ashadi.
AND: it was the HindenbUrg not Hindenberg
Posted by:couch on January 9, 2007 8:50 PM

Thanks, spelling corrected!
Posted by:Ash on January 10, 2007 9:49 AM

Maybe you have been on holidays, or maybe you simply don't believe in publishing critical comments. As I mentioned previously, I think your German comments, even as a joke, are not funny and, in fact, are obscenely offensive to anyone with a knowledge or memory of WW1 or WW2.
Posted by:burrellcreekkid on January 18, 2007 1:22 PM