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February 15, 2007
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Visually grabs attention, with relevant imagery. Pays out nicely. And under 30K, so no RM serving fees.

You can do the same on Google using Firefox.

Posted by:el_pira on February 19, 2007 10:46 PM

Busy, ugly, chaotic scrolling background seeks to demonstrate the"problem" that claims to solve, but ultimately you are left with a feeling of chaos. Too much problem shown relative to the solution -- which is rendered quite small, even after rollover. Everyone knows the problem--why waste time on it, even as background, especially when it is visually unappealing. Also the theme line leaves me feeling anything but human, with it's staccato, fist -pounding caveman rhythm, and is a near non -sequitur. Use tools to feel human? More like use tools to feel like a machine, or a cog in the machine.I believe their intent was to use tools as a meataphor for reclaiming control over your searching, and hence reclaim your dignity/humanity--you are not a slave to search, you have control now! But for the reasons I've stated, I feel the banner is wooden, visually dull, and a misfire, although it's strategy is completely sound.

Posted by:MR. BANNER on July 16, 2007 5:41 PM

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