Decent looking, but a bit much in terms of interaction to get to a very bland pay-off.
I already knew that I haven't seen much of the world, so the last thing I needed was a banner to demand 30 seconds of my time and attention to tell me I still have 95% of the world still to see!?
Posted by:will rose on March 5, 2007 8:38 AM
Nice, simple ad. I had an idea of how many countries I'd been to, but this kept me going, and the soft call-to-action at the end was appreciated.
may have worked better as a climate change ad. to highlight carbon emissions. i think i'll bank it for later!
Posted by:john on February 28, 2007 2:26 AM

Not much of a payoff. I thought it was going to show me how much C02 I'd spuffed into the air.
Posted by:wa on February 28, 2007 6:17 AM

Decent looking, but a bit much in terms of interaction to get to a very bland pay-off.
I already knew that I haven't seen much of the world, so the last thing I needed was a banner to demand 30 seconds of my time and attention to tell me I still have 95% of the world still to see!?
Posted by:will rose on March 5, 2007 8:38 AM

Nice, simple ad. I had an idea of how many countries I'd been to, but this kept me going, and the soft call-to-action at the end was appreciated.
Posted by:Jonathan on March 6, 2007 9:02 AM