the fact that there's NO branding on the rollover state proves that the ad is fake. If not fake, then it is a really bad move. Love the simple idea though even if it's similar to a previous ad. Advertising it's not always about being original but using those kind of devices for the right piece of communication.
Again, a copy of that Fiat ad - was it by the same agency?
Still, gets the idea across in a fairly okay way.
Posted by:purplesimon on May 29, 2007 7:04 PM

the fact that there's NO branding on the rollover state proves that the ad is fake. If not fake, then it is a really bad move. Love the simple idea though even if it's similar to a previous ad. Advertising it's not always about being original but using those kind of devices for the right piece of communication.
Posted by:Francesco on May 30, 2007 8:48 AM

Good one. What scares me is the absence of a driver. This must be a very good car to drive itself.
Posted by:Johnny on May 31, 2007 12:34 AM

The same idea was run by Wunderman last year for Land Rover...
Posted by:IainH on May 31, 2007 9:39 PM