lolz its a nice/funny TVC in banner space. My concern is that what with all the new extended banner specs people are just gonna slap an ad in a box as a quick fix (I'm not saying that this ad is). I would just prefer to see more banners pushing these new file sizes and coming up with ground breaking ideas and executions.
Posted by:chris on August 8, 2007 3:18 PM
I agree that it appears to be just a TVC but it isn't part of an above the line campaign. We went and shot it and yes it could work just as easily on TV. I think you are right that we need to see more interactivity in general or we will see lots of TV ads dropped in these spaces. I am hoping bannerblog post the rest of the campaign we produced as there is more interactivity in the other ads. tx for your comments
Nice idea. Used the same concept in the 90's here in Argentina for a disposable diaper TV commercial promoting a trip to Paris as the Prize. Went like this: CU of side of Bed Mattress going up and down with squeaking springs SFX. Camera pulls back and its a woman trying to close her suitcase full of clothes.
I've tried that position with little success – the suitcase just gets in the way. Very engaging PSA, though.
Posted by:Todd Ziaja on August 2, 2007 1:58 AM

Man I love this ad - 5/5! :)
Posted by:Davron on August 6, 2007 1:15 PM

lolz its a nice/funny TVC in banner space. My concern is that what with all the new extended banner specs people are just gonna slap an ad in a box as a quick fix (I'm not saying that this ad is). I would just prefer to see more banners pushing these new file sizes and coming up with ground breaking ideas and executions.
Posted by:chris on August 8, 2007 3:18 PM

I agree that it appears to be just a TVC but it isn't part of an above the line campaign. We went and shot it and yes it could work just as easily on TV. I think you are right that we need to see more interactivity in general or we will see lots of TV ads dropped in these spaces. I am hoping bannerblog post the rest of the campaign we produced as there is more interactivity in the other ads. tx for your comments
Posted by:rob on August 16, 2007 5:32 PM

Nice idea. Used the same concept in the 90's here in Argentina for a disposable diaper TV commercial promoting a trip to Paris as the Prize. Went like this: CU of side of Bed Mattress going up and down with squeaking springs SFX. Camera pulls back and its a woman trying to close her suitcase full of clothes.
Posted by:rodrigo on November 17, 2007 5:37 AM