Simple and effective. Nice typography too, which is often not given enough consideration in banner ads. The interaction could be better though, with the map panning freely with the mouse, rather than the click & drag hand cursor.
So, is this an expando skyscraper? What kind of size is this banner unit, and what sites have ad space like this?
simple things -- like solid invisible buttons behind the text buttons (sorry, personal pet peeve), a better headline plus ash's comments on the navigation, could have made this banner much better. It was also hard for me to find out what this banner was advertising. Such awesome text design in the main ad -- and such terrible text design in the bottom, so much so, that I can't even read that font for what the ad is selling.
Posted by: on August 29, 2007 6:44 AM
I really like the simplicity of this banner. Nice one!
So, is this an expando skyscraper? What kind of size is this banner unit, and what sites have ad space like this?
Posted by:freddy on August 29, 2007 12:02 AM

simple things -- like solid invisible buttons behind the text buttons (sorry, personal pet peeve), a better headline plus ash's comments on the navigation, could have made this banner much better. It was also hard for me to find out what this banner was advertising. Such awesome text design in the main ad -- and such terrible text design in the bottom, so much so, that I can't even read that font for what the ad is selling.
Posted by: on August 29, 2007 6:44 AM

I really like the simplicity of this banner. Nice one!
Posted by:phon on August 29, 2007 9:34 AM

it blowed me away!
Posted by:ant on August 30, 2007 4:07 PM

Is this or is this not a Paula Scher design???
Posted by:joemo on August 31, 2007 3:21 AM