English translation
Do you feel under pressure?
Give vent to your stress.
Now recover. (in italian 'riprenditi' means 'recover' but also 'film
Film, photograph, record what stresses you more.
Show us you really need a holiday,
we'll give you one in Valle d'Aosta.
Take part in 'My Stress Awards' contest.
Translation anyone? why the snow?
Posted by:scott on October 3, 2007 5:09 AM
Valle D'Aosta is a country situated on the Alps. There it snows often during winter. ;)
Translation anyone? why the snow?
Posted by:scott on October 3, 2007 5:09 AM

Valle D'Aosta is a country situated on the Alps. There it snows often during winter. ;)
Posted by:Marco on October 3, 2007 6:53 AM