It's weird sometimes when browsing, say, an image search out of flickr (after a family shot for "that" pitch) and you come across El presidente o' the Meat Club - Sir 'Gor snacking on a herd of bovine kin.
Even weirder is seeing an ex-colleague and good friend, animated & lasso-ing (both not that uncommon for this gentleman) - in a banner ad for yahoo - unashamedly promoting his own fabulous brand.
It even kinda looks like him.
I must be missing something here - please tell me someone! It does look like Simon though, but he's looking a lot more dapper than he did in the early dotcom days! That's D&AD for you!
Posted by:purplesimon on December 18, 2007 8:57 PM
I must be missing something here - please tell me someone! It does look like Simon though, but he's looking a lot more dapper than he did in the early dotcom days! That's D&AD for you!
Posted by:purplesimon on December 18, 2007 8:57 PM

Posted by:sam on December 20, 2007 4:22 PM

Really, really bad art direction.
Posted by:Sav on January 8, 2008 8:08 PM