Keep an eye out for Microsoft to retaliate with Call of Duty in your browser! Tango Down!
Sony (sans Ericsson) to have Drake from Uncharted run on any site (like the Magnum pleasure hunt) and Nintendo.... to just comment how they think 99c games is a losing game and no one wants their phone to play games.
Seriously though you can drag the bookmark for Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja browser plugin here and start smashing stuff. It helps a LOT that you don't need to install a plugin as that is certain death for something as throwaway as this. It does however impact on the quality. The experience on Firefox 8 was less than "seamless".
People may remember others like the Katamari hack plugin (my fave), or the Asteriods a site plug in earlier but neither of these uses game IP's as powerful as those birds and damn fruit!
Nice work from Wunderman in Buenos Aires, oh and the guys from Rovio and Half Brick for creating brands with more hook than Nokia.
Angry Birds & Fruit NInja in a browser from Nokia N8