IAB Standards in Australia
Taken from the IABaustralia site: "Sydney, Tuesday 28 February 2006…The Interactive Advertising Bureau, in collaboration with the digital committees of the Advertising Federation of Australia and the Media Federation of Australia today announced the launch of the first Australian online ad format standardisation."
It took a third party group like the IAB to finally get all the major parties talking. Finally life will be a little less annoying.
My fav size is the "hockey stick" from 9msn which bares no resemblance to a real hockey stick. Sadly this hasn't been mentioned by the IAB, maybe next year.
CPB's First VW USA Work Launches
"Inside most, but not all of us, there is a fast."

Crispin Porter + Bogusky Launch the online component of their first VW USA work.
The teaser site www.projectfast.com leads to a site where you can customize a GTI and then go for a "test drive" www.vwfeatures.com
The question I have is not "Will it sell cars?"
But more importantly: "Will it start to recharge the VW brand in the US?"
Ashley says: The video test drive is quite funny and included all the features a added on. It's one sexy looking VW.
Bannerblog in Creative Review

Thanks Hamish for pointing out that Bannerblog is mentioned in the March issue of Creative Review.
Funny how not one Australian magazine/website has shown any interest in Bannerblog even after we sent them the required press release. I've checked out pits and we don't stink, so what's the story?