We're just 1% behind in the webbys with 3 days to go. We can do it with your support. So all those people that havent voted as it's too much hassle to enter your email and click a link please pull your finger out and vote.
We're nominated in the Business Blog category.
And to all those that have voted thank you. We've come from 11% behind to almost snaring the win.
In an effort to make our lives easier and also get your banner posted here's a few tips on submitting banners to Bannerblog.
1: Name the files something obvious. brand_box_468x60.swf. We have many 468x60.swfs and have to rename them.
2: Try to avoid the 1000x1000 in situ banner unless it's important to the concept.. The banner by itself is what we prefer but if you need to show it on a page make it under 600x600 is you can.
3: Supply Translations for all non english banners. No hablamos español!
4: One file is easiest for expanding banners. We can't easily set up the banners to limit
ate Eyeblaster, Atlas, Pointroll or Tangozebra. So for us a demo that works on your desktop is the kind of files we like best. Note: We haven't published a few purely for this reason
5: If you banner uses .FLV video please supply a link to a ZIP file or send us all the files.
6: If your banner uses live data please allow www.bannerblog.com.au in the servers crossdomain file. More info here Note: The flash person who built the banner will know what we mean.
7: We don't reply to every email we receive. (Please, don't repeatedly send until we do reply)
We also don't post every banner we receive. (Sorry them's the breaks)
We also sometimes post banners months later (They get lost in the mail so to speak)
8: We don't post .GIF's unless they are amazing.
9: Please supply Agency name and country with submissions. Note: We will occasionally credit the wrong agency or forget to. Please don't get angry just send us an email and we'll fix it ASAP.
10: We normally credit the main agency for the work. If you were the production company we'll credit you in the comment.
Great article here about the 12 different breeds of client. Don't worry is also goes through the pros of some of these breeds. We've all worked and work with a few of these.