It was uploaded by someone called 'Zazzzman' onto YouTube 11 hours ago. We've embedded it below, and also added our findings by searching public databases, including IP Australia and Melbourne IT.
We've done some digging and 'Determined to Be Different' is registered trademark #1211855 of Commonwealth Bank of Australia, lodged by CBA's General Counsel John O'Sullivan on November 23, 2007.
Whilst I don't think this is an amazingly lateral, super creative idea, I think it's an excellent business idea that will have customers talking - Dominos in the US has a site where customers can make a pizza online.
And its no drop down menu or radio buttons, its a full on Mini Roof style affair:
There is a seemingly endless supply of contextual ad mishaps, and this is a particularly good example found by David Johnson. It's also an excuse to get a Corey Worthington story on Bannerblog, since every other media outlet is flogging it.
Mad Doctor Gleebitz is worried that CWS (Celebrity Worship Syndrome) is rampant in Australia and people cant separate celebrity from reality. Celebrities replacing friends and relatives, emotional transfer of the celebrity's feelings (if something bad happened to their celebrity they'd feel it was happening to them)
All sounds pretty normal I guess and they've been looking for Australia's top 10 sufferers to highlight the dangers of the disease.
The site is promoting ninemsn's new entertainment site where users are warned that their massive celebrity content can be harmful for sufferers of this syndrome