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April 1, 2009

Killzone 2

I'm posting about an ad before it's even launched, that's what it's gotten to. But the interactive Killzone 2 spot for the new PS3 title sounds like it could be pretty interesting. Here's the static teaser version:

There's an interactive version of the ad above to be released later this month:

To ensure that gamers could grasp the full scope of the commercial, ad agency Deutsch and Peristere's Zoic Studios worked with Killzone 2 developer Guerrilla Games to crafted a fully interactive version of the spot, scheduled for release later this month, that will allow fans to wander through the scene in real time.

Pretty cool. There's a lot of ads that I'd like to take for a walk down near a quiet lake and then surreptitiously drown. So if they can make an ad I'd want to casually stroll along with back and forth - brilliant.

What's even more interesting, is this next bit:

The fully interactive, three-minute-long version of the ad will be available for download from the PlayStation 3's store later this month. Sony said that although the final details have yet to be ironed out, the download will probably be free of charge.

Yes, they're debating whether or not they can make advertising a revenue stream. Awesome.

Thanks to Wired for the article, and Crackunit for the heads-up.

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