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July 20, 2010

Adobe iPad Publishing

Adobe has released a sneak preview of their iPad digital publishing tool. Sweet! Looks like it's close to the workflow for CS5:

September 30, 2008

Maths is Hard

If you're a dum-dum. Luckily this interweb thing makes maths easy. Like a calculator might.


I've just got back from reviewing work entered into the BIMA's and, in my view, this was one of the standout pieces. It's a home insurance calculator built for Legal & General, a nice way to remind yourself just how far you might (or might not ) have come in this life.

I know there's nothing new in this, but there's a lot of clients asking for these types of things - for carbon offsets for example, and this is the best one I've seen for a long time, that and it's a little more relevant to me in the short term - I got greenwash at the moment and I'm really, really confused.

It's also a world better than something like this..

Some Carbon offset calculators for comparison:
One from Moses
Direct Gov (UK)
A Phillips entry to the fray

January 19, 2007

The making of...

The value of an audience is not only in exposure to the finished product whether it's run online or elsewhere, there's life beyond.

Here's a couple of examples of "the making of" that have come up recently - benefiting immensely from a second life in the digital space.

HP Hands
Sony Paint (and balls previously)

It's interesting that instead of running the ad just as it was on the idiot box, there's a thought to the value in the process from whence it came, increasing brand engagement and perhaps understanding - depending on how it's presented. A best solution might be to use this area to re-engage the briefs key requirements and extend the communication.

We'll be seeing a lot more of this use of online in ever more new and integrated ways, building bridges with the OTL "others" instead of seeing them as the dinosaur gazing up at the new bright light in the sky, contemplating impending doom - with nowhere to run, waiting for the inevitable.

Or maybe it's just for the geeks.

September 14, 2006

Soul glo*

This is an advertising blog right? This a classic. Also, possibly completely irrelevent.

March 1, 2006

Video usage in standard formats

It's been a contentious issue of late about the ease of using existing above the line advertising on the web. The most common being straight to banner press ads, is to stream an exisiting TVC into a banner...

Here's some ways to look at it.

1) it's cheap to produce, and it's eyecatching becasue it's moving. fast.

2) it's cheap, and nasty, in that it's not a good use of the medium for numerous reasons (too many to list here... probably), it's TV trying to be the internet within the internet, it just is not going to be as effective as it was on the "i'm glued to the..." telly. The audience is vastly different and in different modes to recieve

3) it's (more) expensive to serve per unit and there's generally less units per $ from a media agency (perhaps counteracted by the view-to-aquisition ratio) and it "polite" loads (that's after everything else in the page) so the chances are you might not even see it.

4) It can be used to an advantage when combined with interactive elements like this work from tribal DDB

But I must say that all in all it's very heavy k wise, often tenfold that of a page which it's placed within, and given the cost of broadband in some areas - especially oz - I do wonder about it's relevance.

c'mon 1.5 mb for a banner ad? or is this just in the showcases...

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