The making of...
The value of an audience is not only in exposure to the finished product whether it's run online or elsewhere, there's life beyond.
Here's a couple of examples of "the making of" that have come up recently - benefiting immensely from a second life in the digital space.
HP Hands
Sony Paint (and balls previously)
It's interesting that instead of running the ad just as it was on the idiot box, there's a thought to the value in the process from whence it came, increasing brand engagement and perhaps understanding - depending on how it's presented. A best solution might be to use this area to re-engage the briefs key requirements and extend the communication.
We'll be seeing a lot more of this use of online in ever more new and integrated ways, building bridges with the OTL "others" instead of seeing them as the dinosaur gazing up at the new bright light in the sky, contemplating impending doom - with nowhere to run, waiting for the inevitable.
Or maybe it's just for the geeks.