The Limbless Man and Attention Spans
Thought for the day - it might be a bit of an obvious point, but YouTube seems to have drastically atrophied all of our already-short attention spans. You know it. When you're watching something online, and you automatically look at how long the video takes, before you decide if its worth waiting to load. This has interesting relevancies for the kind of content we are willing to consume, where and when. Would something like The Gamekillers, which was a bit of a pioneering piece of longer format content, best suited to release as mobile episodes? Online? Giveaway DVD with spray? How long works best in what space? Case in point, the story of the man with no limbs, see below. Nick has no arms, no legs, yet can swim, operate a DVD, and even make an omelette (although he is a bit sloppy with the shell. Sheesh, lift your game Nick). Now, this is an incredible story, an incredible person, and an incredible video. Yet, I found myself skipping through it because of its length (7 mins). No doubt you looked at the length of this post to see if you could be bothered reading it. : -) Also, in a bit of a nod to their new Google ownership perhaps, YouTube modded their logo for Halloween: |