I like this - not sure if it's a solo player or part of a larger campaign, but it's good to see combination flash and video, working pretty seamlessly, with an on brand concept, and the banner calling you to interact without a "rollover to see some bullshit" - very virgin.
I had a misfortune to organize a flight from Brisbane to Melbourne with them on 31.03.08 .
Due to problems , of not my fault , I had with getting to airport I managed to arrive still within reasonable limit to board the plane .
When I got to the Virgin Blue counter it was 4.53 am ( 27 min to the flight ) . The girl tried to book me in but the system did not let her do it .
She asked me to go to the “ service centre “ next to counters and this is where trouble continued .
I asked the person ( later I found out that his name is “ LEE HADEN “ ) “ can you get me on this plane , I do not have check in luggage so I can go straight to the cabin “ – without even pretending of making any effort he said “ you pay $50 and you will go on the next plane “ . Since I had to attend urgent matters in Melbourne - I said “ can you just try to put me on this one , still over 20 min to the departure “
I was surprised ( to say the least when in an aggressive and arrogant tone he replied “ pay $50 or you will not travel at all “ .You do not expect such attitude here in Australia from the company which claims to be “ reputable “ .
I said “ why don’t you try to help me “ .- and that moron feeling the power he possessed at that moment said “ OK , YOU WILL NOT TRAVEL AT ALL “ .
I asked “ Who do you think you are ? “ and when he replied with his own question “ Who are you ?” I told him – “ I am the customer of your company and it is your job to help me “ .
Few word exchanges followed and he was absolutely determined that he will not let me to change the ticket to the next flight .
Since I had to go to Melbourne as soon as possible without having time to ring the travel agency , etc - the only thing I could do was to go to Qantas and buy ticket from them . So I paid $ 261 and had a flight at 6am .
I wonder who was stupid enough to employ such creature in “ service department “ or may be this is the unofficial policy of Virgin Blue to treat customers with contempt and that parasite was doing good job .
I got the message and I do not intend to use them again and so all my friends , neighbours , acquittances , people I know and I do not know .
Posted by:Adrian on August 17, 2007 6:34 AM

What sites have this banner ad on them?
Posted by:Jess on August 17, 2007 1:26 PM

whats the song for this ad?
Posted by: on August 19, 2007 2:17 PM

Should also check out the minisite for these ads...
https://www.virginblue.com.au/getwhatyouwant/ - quite cool use of video and flash.
The song is get what you want by "operator please".. they have a current single called "ping pong" which goes off as well.
Posted by:Adam on August 23, 2007 9:29 PM

Virgin Blue stay away from those bastards
I had a misfortune to organize a flight from Brisbane to Melbourne with them on 31.03.08 .
Due to problems , of not my fault , I had with getting to airport I managed to arrive still within reasonable limit to board the plane .
When I got to the Virgin Blue counter it was 4.53 am ( 27 min to the flight ) . The girl tried to book me in but the system did not let her do it .
She asked me to go to the “ service centre “ next to counters and this is where trouble continued .
I asked the person ( later I found out that his name is “ LEE HADEN “ ) “ can you get me on this plane , I do not have check in luggage so I can go straight to the cabin “ – without even pretending of making any effort he said “ you pay $50 and you will go on the next plane “ . Since I had to attend urgent matters in Melbourne - I said “ can you just try to put me on this one , still over 20 min to the departure “
I was surprised ( to say the least when in an aggressive and arrogant tone he replied “ pay $50 or you will not travel at all “ .You do not expect such attitude here in Australia from the company which claims to be “ reputable “ .
I said “ why don’t you try to help me “ .- and that moron feeling the power he possessed at that moment said “ OK , YOU WILL NOT TRAVEL AT ALL “ .
I asked “ Who do you think you are ? “ and when he replied with his own question “ Who are you ?” I told him – “ I am the customer of your company and it is your job to help me “ .
Few word exchanges followed and he was absolutely determined that he will not let me to change the ticket to the next flight .
Since I had to go to Melbourne as soon as possible without having time to ring the travel agency , etc - the only thing I could do was to go to Qantas and buy ticket from them . So I paid $ 261 and had a flight at 6am .
I wonder who was stupid enough to employ such creature in “ service department “ or may be this is the unofficial policy of Virgin Blue to treat customers with contempt and that parasite was doing good job .
I got the message and I do not intend to use them again and so all my friends , neighbours , acquittances , people I know and I do not know .
Peter M .
Posted by:peterm on April 6, 2008 3:09 PM