This video is pretty cool. A timelapse clip of London's Abbey Road in one day, including all the tourists who re-enacted the famous Beatles album cover:
How annoying would it be if this was your daily route? Is it bad that I want one of them to get run over?
Julian is using the competition money from a comp to be donated to the Bush Fire Appeal. More details here
The company Smith chips has already donated $10,000 for their "biggest Facebook group" comp which ended up being 119,000+ members. Anyway you look at it Samboy chips got their name out and the money went to a good cause. Win win. The purpose of the campaign was to get word out there of the chips returning and they have succeeded. I wonder how long this trend will last?
If only we could hijack the TV ratings in Australia and start getting decent shit on the box.
It's all about nutter housemates. The benefit of unwired? If your living companion p*sses you off too much, just up and move because apparently unwired has no contracts and lets you just roam about how you please.
They've done some pretty spot-on print for it. But they also have a Facebook group, which could be where they get most of their traction. It's much better than just doing a lame "I'm a fan of unwired" Facebook page. However, I wonder how the group will fare with their legal department eyeing it 24/7. It's a pretty good fit for Facebook, everyone has a bad flatmate story (or has been a bad flatmate in the past). But if the best ones get squashed, it'll make for a less interesting group.
This one for now goes into the thinnest book in the world - good uses of social marketing by big corporate brands.
Hold the phone! Did Q Limited turn themselves around from less than a cent to 20 whopping cents!?
I'm no expert but I read they consolidated the shares to a ratio of 100:1 in late 2008. To make it less volitile in the market. Which means it went from 0.009 to 0.90 and then down to 20c. Let's leave this one to the day traders to let me know what happened.
As a request I have added the following which are not 100% digital but listed anyway. We'll track these from any new reports.
Wellcom and Photon don't seem to fit the trend as they are actually making a profit! Crazy I know. Even with this their share prices have been battered by the downturn.
The big surprise was BlueFreeway which is now trading less than Hyro. That's after floating at $1+ and then rocketing higher early on. The recent sale of Deepend back to the owners seemed like a prediction. Besides Holler UK/AU and Massmedia's Traction accounts there isn't much meat in that sandwhich anymore.
Sadly you can't hold these companies accountable as the market average has followed their trend. Everyone "took it in the ass" last year. Check the image below in which I channeled Idris Khan to create what I have titled "". Limited edition prints.
November 08 was a tough month for everyone it seems.
While some of these companies are being dragged down by the global economic downturn (they run profitable businesses and have a steady financial position) while others continue to post losses and don't seem to have many answers for 2009 either. You have to think 2009 will be the year the weak have to die.
Will 2009 be a turn around year or the big year for digital that everyone seems to be publishing? All I know is that it is interesting viewing.