Beuraucracy is a funny thing. It's a little like testing medicines - some may know they work for most - but "officially" we all have to wait until the "official" precentages are right.
Anyway - this little announcement has a few people excited in the UK, now we can run standard IAB sizes at 30k (I'm assuming for all formats) - to add that litlte bit extra in the execution.

Now I'm not sure about the rest of you but I've been publishing 30k files across all formats, most of the time for the last 2+ years (there are some exceptions - like yahoo and a handful of fringe or multiple site buy bookings for planners looking to get home before 6, and, excel formula wizard types who tell you that the targeted campaing is in fact he same site structure they've been presenting for the last 7 years [since 1999 according to this]) - of course.
Lets not even start with "standard" or polite options in regards to video (600k+ minimum, easy). Without interaction.
And I honestly can't remember when I was told no to even 31.6k - because it saved the flash guys 3 days (thats 1 k per day) in specialist compression reduction techniques to target my "unofficial" 30k limit. Hell you can even save some bytes if you add up the bytes: 1 KB (one KiloByte) = 1,024 Bytes - thats 24 extra bytes per 1000 if your good with the lingo - also you've got some flexibilty with the Block allocation when you view the size in lsit form on your PC/mac.
Kids, don't always believe what you hear from the buyers/planners - they like to keep it very very simple - they are flexible, and they will move - and may even dance if you ask them with the right tone of conviction and passion.
Sure 30k is good news, but now we should be aiming for 50k "unofficially".
From little things big things grow.