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August 4, 2007

Green Tea Partay

The official sequel to Tea Partay by JWTNew York.

This is doing pretty well with 300,000 views in just over a day.

The original 'Tea Partay' was produced by BBH and was apparently inspired by this Dynamite Hack's 'Boyz in the Hood' which can be seen below :

BBH has also released a music video for Lynx/Axe for The Bom Chicka Wah Wah's

And let's not forget Amalgamated's Rap Cat

Everyone is still trying to forget the Dizzy Bananas and Starburt's Get Your Juices Going.

Webtrends Map


IA of Japan
have created a trend map (full map here) of popular sites and their proximity to each other. Read the full entry on their blog for info on how to buy it as a poster and other formats. Found via the CS blog.

Funny we were making fun of people using Web 2.0 by saying lets aim for web 2.5 and this map already does this.

I wonder how long it will be before other markets catch on and start calling themselves stuff like Bank 2.0, Automobile 2.0, TV 2.0. It sounds like marketing balony yeah? That's how we sound to everyone else by using that terminology.

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