Disqus = Blog Comment Zen
If you run a blog or comment regularly on a blog and haven't installed Disqus then do it now. Well if you comment on a blog regularly, then let the blog owner know they need to get with the times.
Basically it's a centralised system for blog comments. If all blogs ran this system then you could have a centralised database of all your blog comments (across multiple blogs) and be able to track the replies. Who's ever commented on a blog post then forgotten about it. While the replies to your comment stack up.
I also love the Gravatar support which centralises the visual representative of you.
Installation of Disqus took 1 minute for me on Moveable Type. You can then customize the look and feel of the comments through the Disqus admin page.
The only annoying part is Disqus cannot go through previous comments and add them automatically. So Disqus will only be used for new posts onwards. Which is a shame.
Update: I just found the Widget section of Disqus. Check below for an update on the hot topics on the blog. Fantastic. How did I ever blog without this tool
ASX Digital Media Watch 3
Musicians start to leave Myspace
Hi welcome to my Mypace page. But I'm not here! I'm at thisis50.com! That's what users are greeted to when they visit 50 Cent's Myspace page.
While Thisis50.com would be renamed thisisshitty.com as it looks even worse than his Myspace page it's sending out a big message to other bands and artists. Why are the big players leaving Myspace? What does this mean to his 1 million friends. How many will follow to the new site, how many even noticed. Is a friend just a badge like a sticker on your school book or is it something more meaningful like having them on speed dial. I know personally I only added friends as a way to say "yeah I like The Simpsons" I never actually returned to their profile.
I can see labels now asking their marketing teams why their band doesn't have their own social network?!? Do smaller bands without a huge fan base like 50, Pussy Cat Dolls or Kylie will still need the large social network audience? Or does it make it more special that you become part of a small niche "fan club" that reall means something.
More on fiddy's move here
Youtube. Now with stats. Or insights
It's funny you ask for features and then you learn about them from other blogs not via official channels.
Youtube have finally added stats to videos. YAY! But don't cancel you're Tube Mogul account just yet as the features are still limited. But you can now drill down per country and region to see how your video is performing. Very important for campaign based videos where your clients product is only sold in one region.
You can see on my "Lost Fart" video stats above the traffic is waning and also the period of time my Youtube account was cancelled.
It took me a while to actually find the stats. You need to go to your account > manage videos > click on "About my video". Why it's hidden so far down the rabbit hole is a question I'd like answered. Compared to Tube Mogul's quick reference to videos, comparing multiple videos and an aggregate of all you videos combined this is very limited.
What Insights (that's what Youtube's calling this feature) does have over Tube Mogul is country break down and also popularity. Popularity will scale your videos from 100 (most popular) to 0.
So a quick scan over this videos stats shows it's done well in Australia. Compared to my fart video which seems to have only made inroads in the USA.
I hope this insights feature gets expanded and also tweaked. Where's the referrer stats? The insights is missing even the features they already have on the video such as ratings, comments both of which could also be graphed over time.
Why didn't they replicate Flickr's stat system which is much simpler and powerful. Every photo has a quick link to stats (including referrer stats) and then you you an overview of your complete account quickly from the main page. Here's my stats below which sadly is dominate by photos of body painted boobs and ciggeratte photos.
So the stats are almost there and these stats are needed for advertisers using Youtube as their main delivery platform for "viral" videos. Although I will say if you shouldn't put all your eggs in the Youtube basket when it's free to post it on any of the other free video sites.