Musicians start to leave Myspace
Hi welcome to my Mypace page. But I'm not here! I'm at! That's what users are greeted to when they visit 50 Cent's Myspace page.
While would be renamed as it looks even worse than his Myspace page it's sending out a big message to other bands and artists. Why are the big players leaving Myspace? What does this mean to his 1 million friends. How many will follow to the new site, how many even noticed. Is a friend just a badge like a sticker on your school book or is it something more meaningful like having them on speed dial. I know personally I only added friends as a way to say "yeah I like The Simpsons" I never actually returned to their profile.
I can see labels now asking their marketing teams why their band doesn't have their own social network?!? Do smaller bands without a huge fan base like 50, Pussy Cat Dolls or Kylie will still need the large social network audience? Or does it make it more special that you become part of a small niche "fan club" that reall means something.
More on fiddy's move here