Come to San Fran and see the Star Wars Empire :) Throw in a super at the end for a Star Wars convention and you got yourself awards fodder. This is probably just fan boy stuff but it'd be great is tourism ads were like this.
Here's a recent example of how trying to save a few thousand dollars ends in FAIL for the brand. What a simple problem to avoid.
Someone should be fired. I wonder if any agencies have paid the originators of ideas that they have appropriated.
I heard EA paid the creator of the original video that sparked the video response below. Good karma there. It shows you don't even need to be fast. The response was 12 months after the fact.
Rather than actually write 500 words about "what it's like to be on the Cannes jury" I just edited my twitter feed down. I was a Twitter doubter but doing this at an event with significance seemed like a good use of the technology. It was a pain though. Every time we went anywhere I'd be on my phone looking down not interacting with people. It also cost me a bomb in SMS fees (damn international roaming).
I'll be following Cherp to see how an agency can just specilize in Twitter. Why not Facebook or Wikipedia?
This had me thinking of new guys on the block The Population.
Note: Claims of "firsts" are never fact checked when it comes to PR from advertising agencies, which is weird as an industry we're the ones most likely to bullshit.
You can read about the 4th Pure Social Media Marketing Agency to start in Australia and get insights from one of it's founders Julian Cole. The Population is backed by Photon so there's no shortage of good minds, clients and cash there.
This would be be similar to us at Soap spinning of an "advergaming agency" which we coudl probably attach a first to that aswell (well in Australia at least) but that would feel limiting. I guess Social Media Marketing is such a broad term and the Population will be mostly consulting and outsourcing any specific production required.
Does anyone else know of any nice marketing companies utilizing new technology or buzzwords as their business model?
The Coke and Mentos guys (EepyBird) have followed up their experiments with Sticky Note experiments. The budget for the videos is bigger (cinematography and direction is spot on)
I kept waiting for a brand of office supplies to appear at the end. Then I remembered that some people do stuff just for the fun of it or under the umbrella of "art" rather than "advertising".
Update: Their other videos (like the one below) are sponsored by OfficeMax and ABC Family. So that would explain the budget busting effort spent on the longer video above. Phew everyone has a price. I thought maybe I had become to commercialized.
This video stars the girl from Samurai Girl (oh dear) and this was taken from the Eepybird site
How do Samurai Girl and Sticky Notes go together? We premiered our grand finale video, "the Extreme Sticky Note Experiments", on ABC Family on September 5th during Samurai Girl.
Sorry the answer is "f*ck all". But we wouldn't have this video if it wasn't for ABC's money. Oh the video stars the lead actor from Samuari Girl who will also be in Fox's Dragonball. A Google image search explains the appeal.
Also interesting is that Samuari Girl is one of those event TV thigns that if it goes well gets turned into a series. Why waste all your money on a pilot no one will see?