Levi's Back Pocket Gallery
Your brand + artist = cred.
Absolut have been doing it for a long time and we posted about this back in April 07.
Levi's latest effort with their Back Pocket Gallery is interesting. I don't recognize any of the artists names so it looks like they went with many up and coming artists. The norm is to get a hip bunch of artists and use their popularity to spread word of the project. FOr those wanting to know what's hip in the art world I rely on Juxtapoz.
I would have liked to be able to purchase the pockets.
It also got my thinking why don't jean brands offer customizable back pockets. The jeans could be sold with no pockets and this is the last step in the products purchase. With jeans now running at a price tag of over $300 you can hardly say price is an issue.
Mini do this with the roof of your mini, along with hundreds of other tiny tweaks and it really make you feel like the Mini you own is unique.
If you need more proof that my formula of "Your brand + artist = Cred" you can't go past the Obama Obey posters. This would be a great time for Hillary to do a Coop inspired poster in a nuns outfit with a robotic Bill getting naughty but that would be in bad taste.
Campaign Contributions for Creatives
I'm loving this infographics on campaign contributions based on creative careers from Notchcode.
It's pretty clear that the creative community support the Democrats. What's with photographers though, the donate alot and donate big. Read the full article here for a breakdown on the info.
What Americans found interesting was that voting is compulsory in Australia. You're legally bound to vote and will be fined if you don't. We also don't really donate cash to candidates.
Facebook Overtakes Myspace in OZ
B&T reports that Facebook has overtaken Myspace as the most popular social network. This is from a survey of over 35,000 people. This is the opposite of a similar survey conducted with the same group of people last year.