Rexona Australia's Greatest Athlete
Rexona Australia have launched a new TV show called Australia's Greatest Athlete. This is not sponsorship of the show but the complete funding of the show from the initial concept.
8 sport stars and athletes compete in 15 events to see who is Australia's Greatest Athlete. Its a great concept that can easily be rolled out to other regions around the world. The show is hosted by Rexona's brand ambassador Ricky Ponting. The Australian Cricket Captain.
Show on Saturdays 4.30 on Channel 9 it's not the best time slot but all the episodes (in full) are available online after each episode.
They are also on Youtube in as well.
This is similar to last years Football superstar sponsored by Nutri Grain. Sadly Fox8 has taken down the site :(
It will be interesting to see how this goes for market leader Rexona and and interesting case study for all brands interested in branded TV shows beyond just branded content or sponsored segments.
Octogon who pitched the show to Rexona were the same agency behing the XXXX Beach Cricket and the Speights Pub on a boat stunt.
Disclosure: Soap was involved in the online portion of the show helping produce the website and online media.
Oh and if you call within the next 30 min we'll throw in a widget