Bannerblog Newsletter Issue: 8
For those of you that haven't yet signed up to our
fornightly newsletter, here is the latest issue covering some of the Cannes highlights.
Dear %%First_Name%%,
In this issue of the Bannerblog Newsletter, we attempt to package up some of the digital highlights from the 54th Cannes Advertising Festival.
We’ll be posting all the winners first up, followed by the shortlist over the next few weeks.
To see all the work from this years festival simply bookmark and check back daily!
The jobs board has the answers!
Online Advertising Specialist
Yahoo! - Aus
Interactive Designer
Clemenger Blue - Aus |
What’s that buzzing sound?
Did someone order a buzzword? The Bannerblog® 360 Trend Matrix™ was in overdrive trying to keep up. ‘Thumb Generation’ ‘User Generated Content’, ‘Consumer in Control’ ‘Blogosphere’ and good’ol ‘Web 2.0’ racked up many mentions, with at least one speaker dropping the term ‘Web 2.5’. Not to be outdone, Mobile marketers introduced agency land to the‘Third Screen’ which I actually don’t mind! Love it or hate it, if it’s the language of clients, you can be sure we’ll be speaking it with them.
Bannerblog Pick: Empty Bottle’s Web 2.0 Bullshitr
Infectious activity on YouTube & Myspace
Many of the digital entries, particularly the viral category, leveraged their campaign on blogs, social networking sites Facebook & Myspace and of course YouTube. As always, it‘s not viral until it goes viral, and results varied. Dove’s Evolution taking home top honors with a Grand Prix and an acknowledgement from the client that the parodies are OK too. Another standout for me, was a viral e-mail from Ogilvy China. E-mail is a tough medium in which to be creative, so I figured this gets my pick.
Bannerblog Pick: WWF ‘Tiger’ Email
Going home with empty pockets
No it’s not a reference to the 10 Euro beers, but Mobile Advertising. The emergence of the ‘third screen’ (Mobile) as an advertising medium was prevalent throughout the seminars, unfortunately examples or case studies were nowhere to be seen. Even the Mobile Category was light on with only 3 winners from a shortlist of 8. Hopefully when a mobile campaign picks up a Titanium or Integrated Lion that will be a catalyst for change.
Bannerblog Pick: Comic Shogakukan Book Campaign
‘The Uploaders’ - Informers of the digital age.
The quality of the seminars was fantastic with the majority being very insightful. One of the best presentations, was who presented findings from an ethonography project they undertook in the UK. Did you know, Uploaders represent 8% of the UK population, are young male’s, well educated, have 60 friends on their buddy list and use online review sites 50% more than a typical internet user?
Bannerblog Pick: ‘Who Is Driving Social Media’
Until Next Year
We’ll continue to bring you more of the world’s best work over the following weeks and months as we work out way through the finalist entries. Our Cannes coverage has helped us reach an average of 2800 unique visitors a day, making us one of the most popular creative blogs around.
A huge thanks to all those who have supported Bannerblog over the past 2 years, with special thanks to our sponsor Tangozebra whose sponsorship helps us pay an ever increasing bandwith bill!
Finally, a big hello to the those we met in Cannes including Publicis Hal Riney [US], [UK+US], Akestam Holst [SE], CP+B [US], M&C Saatchi [AU], Leo Burnett [UK+AU], Publicis [UK], RMG Connect [UK], Fairfax [AU], Campaign Magazine [UK] and many many more.
We hope to be back at Cannes next year,
The Bannerblog Team