"I don't punch I glass" T-Shirts
This top story on News.com.au shows how bad SEO for some places are and how lazy web journalism of the mainstream media is. I can't for the life of me find where this T-shirt is being sold?
Also I feel like it's the newspapers job to properly link their articles. Why mention the shirt but not provide me with a link to check it out and maybe complain if I was so inclined? It's just old school web journalism. Blogs have taken over as a good place to get news as they link their articles (maybe too much sometimes).
The article doesn't even cross link with other more high profile gassings like Wayne Carey. I'm lead down an article one way street. No related article links, nothing. Then a filtered comment section which provides a very slow dialogue.
Pretty much anything news worthy these days would have a related story or something worth linking up. Wikipedia links are the best example. Provide a way for your readers to get more info. It's not like they wont come back. That is unless they find a better site.
I'd like to see the news sites put more effort into their actual content and less into their sales strategies and ad serving technologies.
While I'm at it telling people what they can do better I can always spend more time proofing my posts for errors or grammar.