'Man in the jacket' hoax viral?
****Update 20/1****
The Sydney Morning Herald has revealed the video is a hoax and is indeed a viral campaign produced by the Photon owned agency, Naked Communications. The SMH article does not reveal the brand, however the original story on News.com.au quotes publicist Laura Konrads, who in a Google search is the PR Marketing Manager for Witchery Fashion.

The Daily Telegraph is reporting on a Sydney's woman's YouTube plea to find the man of her dreams who apparently left his jacket behind at a cafe after chatting her up. Heidi Clarke, a 24 y.o (Note : her YouTube profile says she's 25, but models do lie about their age) shop assistant has produced a video and setup a website with the help of her graphic designer friend so she can find her man.
Unsurprisingly no-one is too convinced by the legitimacy of the story, least of all Daily Telegraph who suggest it's possibly a viral connected to the fashion label Witchery We agree and add the timing is perfect for a valentines day campaign.
Ms Clarke doesn't appear to have a Facebook profile, which is unusual for someone who's prepared to pimp themselves out in cyberspace. There is however a Heidi Clark with no friends...
Watch the video below and then read on for some analysis :
Heidi has a number of photo's on her webpage that look a little too good to be amateur. The EXIF data has been removed from the JPEGs so nothing telling there. However she is hot and we appreciate her getting her gear off for the sake of publicity.

Heidi's website looks like art director's attempt at being amateur. The 'graphic designer' friend might have been more convincing if they were a 'photographer' friend as they are obviously more handy doing modeling shots than web design.
The YouTube video is very well shot, well beyond the usual YouTube standard and the bedroom looks like it's been cleaned by the team at CSI:Miami. The video is also curiously available as a download on the website (why not just embed the YouTube clip Heidi?) which is HD and exported from Final Cut with the filename 1 - b - YOUTUBE(2).mov with the resolution of 1024x768. That's a big web video.
Heidi or H3idi8 also has a rather active YouTube presence. Since she first signed up on December 23, 2008 she's watched quite a few fashion related videos. She also uploaded a short 8 second mobile video titled on my way to Christmas lunch to Youtube.
We don't know what type of shop assistant Heidi is in Elizabeth Bay, but she definitely has a keen interest in high end fashion if her video viewing behavior is anything to go by. This adds legitimacy to the Daily Telegraph claims.
Get the feeling this is a clumsy attempt at a viral? You're not alone
Know more? Is Heidi a model or shop assistant for Witchery? Drop us an email, or comment below.