Promote your Young Lions 48hr Oxfam entry video here on Bannerblog

Aspiring young creatives were given the opportunity to win a trip to Cannes by creating a video that tells people why December's UN climate change summit in Copenhagen is one of the most important meetings in human history, and that the clock is ticking on our chances to save the world from the effects of climate change. For more information / background to the brief head here
Want to promote your entry? Post a link to your entry video into the comments section below. The first 10 videos that are posted into the comments field below will be promoted in the News section of Bannerblog on Friday 22nd May. It's first in best dressed. This is your chance to exploit the reach of for you're own selfish purposes! This offer will never to be repeated again!
Check out the official Cannes Lion YouTube Channel for all the entries
Note : The 10 videos you see posted on Friday 22nd are the first 10 we received in the comment section below this post. We will not accept entries in any other way. No correspondance will be entered into on these conditions and the resulting selection of 10 videos. We offer our help as a favour to young creatives & supporter of the Cannes Young Lions event.