Swaggerize your Wallet
I like this take on User Generated Content. Instead of just throwing a brief out there for people to make their ads for them, Old Spice (via W & K) is challenging folks to do various tasks. Best entries win.
For instance, you can Spell Swagger on chests at a game or Name a street after Old Spice Swagger. All for actual big money. Kudos to Weiden and Kennedy. Their Swaggerize Me campaign picked up a silver lion at Cannes last week too.
There's an interesting article on Comm Arts which goes into detail about how they created the latter:
In order to fool the search engines, no two fake articles that swaggerizeme.com generates could be exactly the same. To accomplish this we had to make the articles Mad Lib-style; each article was made-up of dozens of sentences and half sentences selected at random by the application. We didn’t see the application run for the first time until the day before the launch. The articles read like gibberish. Every account, media, planner and creative person in the department had to cancel all their meetings for the day to help rewrite all the fake articles in order to make the launch.