Elect The Jury
For this year's ANDY awards they have decided to let the jury be chosen by popular vote. I love this idea even though I don't stand a chance of getitng voted in (i'm 6th from the bottom). But considering the likes of Shepard Fairey, David Byrne, Josh Spear, Kevin Rose and even head speechwriter for the president Jon Favreau.
Even Australia's radio hosts Hamish and Andy are up for election. Although seriously if you want your work judged by Hamish & Andy then you are a tool.
Here's Michael and Ty talking about the Elect the Jury idea
Why Elect The Jury? from 2010 ANDY Awards on Vimeo.
With these eclectic names on the list why stop there? Why not include Charlie Sheen, Shaq, Ashton Kutcher, The "Will it Blend" Guy, Youtube's Fred, Bill Murray, Tron Guy or Movie Voice Over Guy...
Seriously though what about legends like Limmy or Rob Manuel they are less hyped and bound to show up more than Bansky. Also it's good to see someone from CP+B will make a jury as they seem to have been ignored lately from all the juries I've seen. Politics aside they should have been representing. (I owe them big for all the great banner content on this site)
I think this idea for the jury should result in a more varied jury, more interest in the ANDY awards and less complaining when the jury is picked. A triple win!
And just so I don't end up last on the list, throw a vote in for me while you're voting for more qualified jurors, celebs and fame whores.