100% Smiles.... about Norway killings
This is another sad example (of many) of why news sites should turn off ads for stories of mass killings. Why should they profit from tragedy? What brand wants to risk a contextual message disaster? As found on News.com.au

Contiki: Pin Me If You Can
I love this Pin Me If You Can promotion from Contiki by Poke London. Five locals show their surroundings in a set of video clues and give hints about the location. All you have to do is drop a pin on the map to guess where they are—not which town they’re in, but the very spot on which they’re standing.
Like the Contiki page for extra clues then watch the videos which not only give you clues to the location but do a nice job of selling the sights of the area. A promotion that actually does the job of selling the product. A rarity these days.

LBi Creative chief puts his beard on the line for charity
LBi resident weirdy beardy, Simon Gill, and his gang of renegade ramblers are setting
off on an epic 30hour trail of the Yorkshire Dales for the Oxfam Trailtrekker 2011.
While he's mooching around the moors (and during the week before) he'll have the facial hair
of your choice around his chops.
But he ain't cheap! He'll only do it if your donations reach £2,500
So what will it be? Vote & Donate - https://www.manwalksintoabarbershop.com/
